Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bob is Sick! ................................by Diane Ogden

So I noticed Bob Benjamin Morrison Ogden in the litter box a couple times in a row so I started watching more closely and sure enough he was going from one box to the next squatting.  That is when I knew "we" had us a problem.  I called our veterinarian who didn't have any openings......but told me to "drop him off."   Later to find out there was a "DROP HIM OFF" charge.  I am usually a very kind person until someone tries to rob me such as the "drop him off" charge.  They had my young feline from 1:30 - 6:30.  They gave him IV fluids as he was dehydrated which no one knew why.  They never got a urine sample so they sent me home with 100 little black pieces of plastic to put in his litter box to trick him into urinating.  Ha.....ever tried to trick Bob?  Middle of the night Bob was so full of fluids from the vet he used his best wisdom and peed all over my hot pink shower mat.  I didn't like it anyway because it didn't match anything I have.  It was a $5 special at the new grocery store around the corner....good riddins to it.  But I did use some white tissue to blot his urine which told me he was very sick as it was bloody pink.  I don't think it was the dye from the shower pad because my feet have never been pink that I am aware of.  So I called the vet and asked for an antibiotic due to the bloody urine.  They said no that they had to have a sample and to bring him back in.  Once again I saw the word "robbery" and I took appropriate action.  I got the antibiotic!! He also rec'd an anti urinary tract spasm med, and a pain med.  Bill stands at $460.00.  Hell, if I got a bladder infection it wouldn't cost me that much.......

They think Bob may be upset due to the new house guest Rhaja cat.  Because he has been in perfect health for two years, or has it been one year?  idk.

Bob is slowly recovering.  He has slept on my arm and shoulder almost all night last.  He knows he is a sick boy.  I just pray he doesn't have crystals.... We do not know because he refused both kinds of urine tests.  The veterinarian kind and the empty trickery litter box one.  He "ain't" no dummy.

  Bob is laying in the sun recovering!   And below he is being babied and he loves it.
Update later.....

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