Monday, March 14, 2016

Bob and "The Bag?"

That is the BAG!  It was a normal not so normal Sunday evening here at the apartment soon to be no longer the apartment considering I have to move.  Been here 12 plus years and suddenly the management no longer wants dogs.  Come on, I have a 7 pounder!  Nevertheless, management is not re-leasing dog owners.  Back to the bag. 

Larry, my man-friend was off at the VA doing a sleep study.  I was watching "Fifty Shades of Grey" at a very intense moment during the film when I heard what could have been taken as gun shots.  Gun shots that never stopped.  Dramatized hearing of a machine gun in the living room of the apartment soon to be no longer ours.  I stood up, which the TV has taught us Americans never to do when hearing gun shots!  Rather I should have hit the floor and played dead under my desk.  Nope not me.....  The gun shots were all over the dang place.  Terrifying noise.  It was then I saw Bob run for the bedroom and Lucy Lou, the Snowshoe cat (type of breed) TEARING through the living room with the above used to be nice "UGE" shopping bag hooked to her leg.  She was Tony Stewart NASCAR all over again.  God forbid anyone get in her way or they were dead....  (I am not a NASCAR fan but I do recall that mess)

I chased Lucy and "The Bag" for some time.  Lucy has severe anxiety and now may never recover without proper meds.  I never did catch her.  She was leaping from chair to sofa to under and around tables like she had a very loud bag caught on her leg.  She did.  P.S. I remembered to pause Fifty Shades before leaving the movie!!  No gun fire was going to ruin that one for me..... It was then she lost her attached demon. I found "The Bag."  A mangled mess that once held four lovely shirts from J.C. Penney's.  Got $97.00 worth for $16.  "The Bag" was blessed.  As you can see above it is mutilated but Lucy Lou did not have a heart attack or stroke.  She should have considering the noise put out by that hunk of bag stuck to her leg traveling at least 40 mph or so it seemed around this place.  And believe me it will take some kind of time for Bob to come back to any sort of normalcy.  And when he does we will be moving them both!  They have never lived anywhere else except the "funny farm" (family farm where they were dumped off by previous idiot owners.)  Lucy Lou in 2007 and Bob in - I don't remember...I think 2012. 

Morning came, today, and I noticed Bob didn't come sleep next to me all night which never happens.  And when I tried to feed Lucy Lou but she wouldn't eat. In fact she was prowling the premises like a lion in the jungle.  That is when I saw Bob in the bedroom door peeking out head down.  Heck he wouldn't even come out to eat.  He had been under the bed all night.   I picked him up and walked around the apartment that is soon to no longer be ours, telling him everything is all right buddie.  Did that a couple times.

 Put some cat marijuana out....you know catnip and that didn't even help.  The 7 pound dog ate it and started choking. Had to get her through that nonsense also.   Bob is presently prowling.  Lucy is hiding behind the PC here.  My man friend is sleeping through it all!  No lives were lost during this episode.  But I think I will check my BP.   More cat tales later. 

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