Saturday, November 9, 2013

Loving Bob Benjamin Morrison Ogden..............by Diane Ogden

Loving Bob was easy.   He was physically and emotionally in need of as much love as we could find time for. Considering he had been abandoned during the cold winter.  Dropped or thrown from a vehicle into totally strange territory. Can you even imagine?  Crouching down in fear of what enemy might appear from either or all sides.  Cold, hungry, and very sick.   Urinating blood and no water in sight and no desire for any. Having a fever and now covers.  Finding a building with straw and hay for warmth yet having to fight the other Ferrel's  for that mere necessity also.  Having a swollen infected eye was making life even more difficult.  Trying to communicate with any human that might come close but no one was hearing.  The human brought milk and food but no comfort or medical attention. Sometimes people raised on farms believe the animal can fend for itself when in fact there are times it cannot. They cannot speak.
As you know my daughter brought him to my apartment (three rooms I will have you know)! And of course to the Veterinarian the following morning.  (see Cat Tales for more read regarding)

Okay my rant is over.  As I have said, Bob had to be quarantined to my office/spare bedroom until he was well and could stand up for himself with the other zoo members of my household.  The 6 lb. Chihuahua Pom, the renter LuLuBelle, the mental case Lucy Lou.  Until then we loved him, gave him medical attention, and the bestest food.  When my Granddaughters would spend the night Bob was the happiest.  They adored him and he had someone to sleep with.  He obviously came from a family as he was household trained and loved children.  He did not love other animals.  Bob was born with a jealous bone.  Many jealous bones in fact.  We are working on that as I type and speak and live and dream on.....

After all, Bob Benjamin Morrison Ogden is a fifteen year commitment.  Heck I never made it that long in any marriage!  Hey that was not my fault!  I am laughing.  More and better "Cat Tales" coming.

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