Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Tummy Hurts.....................by Diane Ogden

All that work to get up to the Spider Plant for some tummy greens. 

Which leaves Lucy at total peace for a change.  No anxiety.  No pacing.  No licking.  I am so pleased she is resting.  No I did not give her a Xanax.....just kidding. Don't write me.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sneaking Up!..............................by Diane Ogden

Once again I will say Bob likes to play.  But no one else in the house has much interest in said activity.  Therefore he has to amuse himself which he does fairly well.  On occasion he swipes at Gracie and attacks Lucy.  Today I looked up from doing some writing and noticed Grace and Lucy sitting so peacefully in the new yellow rocker and the dining room chair I put next to it for little guests.  Camera Time!!
      Do notice the tail under Lucy's chair.  I think Bob believes he is sneaking up.....

       Do notice the head coming (sneaking) up behind Lucy's head who is still oblivious to the occurrence.

        Lucy has finally taken notice of the intruder.  Grace notsomuch. 
 All eyes on the sneaker.  Who still isn't sure he is safe. Nor is Gracie sure.  Mexican stand off is what I see.
                                      MADE IT!!!  WHEEWW!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

You Got My Mouse!...........................by Diane Ogden

Bob is the only rescue in the family that knows how to play.  Gracie does not play.  I have tried to teach her but no go.  Lucy plays laser and certain toys but is gun-shy. 

Bob loves his catnip mouse and his broken furry that fell off its stick.  Also likes rolling balls, stratch posts, toys that roll around and my jogging pant waist strings.  Ouch!

Today I noticed Gracie Allen Ogden sitting a top Bob's favorite catnip mouse.  (Grace loves catnip and steals it from the boy)  I was able to catch a Canon shot of Bob and Gracie facing off.

Gracie was smart enough to walk away from "The Cassius Clay Cat!"
You Win Bob! 
A few minutes earlier there was comradery .  A rare photo opportunity below.
Notice the cat scratcher behind my new yellow rocker!  And the dining room chair next to the cat scratcher and the new yellow rocking chair.  That is so they can sit next to me when I am relaxing with my lap top in my lap. 
They are good friends!