Friday, March 28, 2014

The Exorcist.....................by Diane Ogden

Linda Blair has nothing on Bob Benjamin Morrison Ogden!!  His head was spinning like he was shakin the devil out as fast as he could.  Only thing was, his eyes didn't turn red.   Thus I assumed he was just clearing his sinuses.  idk.   Looks cross eyed to me.  He normalized after a minute or so.  That is when he discovered my favorite work pants had a string tie.  I hang my britches over a baby gate to dry. That is how Bobbers discovered the string tie.  He was a busy boy all evening and the next day until he realized it wasn't going to play back.

Waiting for it to move!
                                                I'M DONE MOM...it wont play back.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sometimes Pussy Dont Treat You Right! ....................by Diane Ogden

So my Granddaughter was petting Bob as I was snapping a couple pictures when he yawned and I caught it.  There is a glare on his teeth behind him from a bottle on the table. My comedian son in Los Angeles gave me the Title to the blog.  I suspect it will get hundreds of hits due to the one key word - you know what.  All in good humor of course. 
I do wonder what Bob was thinking when he was faced with someone whose belly looks just like his.

More cat tails later

Man Boobs .................. by Diane Ogden

 Bob decided he wanted to sit by me.  Since my Granddaughter moved in I don't sit at the table anymore with my laptop for Bob to lay by its heater.  The table is not in the dining room any longer, it is in the sun room.  The office is now in the ding room!  Bob jumped from a dresser three feet from the desk, made slide in landing and starting spreading out. Off went the lamp which I caught.  Next a legal pad and pens, and a speaker hit the floor before it was over.  Notice in the below photo he has his thinking face on.  As for the "man boobs" idk where they came from.  I do not feed him soy milk.  Could be GMO in his food?  Or the kitty milk I fed him daily when he was sooo sick last year.  At present he isn't overfed and I play laser with him where he goes in circles until he has had enough.  Trying to get a couple of those massive udders cut back some.  The blubber is uniform in consistency therefore I am not concerned about tumors...  Nope just a fat boy hangin out with me.  I have to be careful not to say it out loud.  No complexes needed around her.  Take care.  More cat tails later.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Goin' to the Chapel..................by Diane Ogden

I collect old wedding dresses.  I do not know why except they make me happy when I look at them.  Actually that is a strange comment considering I have lived through three personal wedding days which did not weather as well as the dresses. 

Back to my point. I laid one of the dresses on the loveseat, of course, and walked away doing whatever I was doing.  When passing the loveseat at a later time I caught a glimpse of "the little man," Bob, all nestled inside the beautiful gown.  He looked so comfortable and stately I grabbed the Samsung and clicked away.  And he let me!   I was going to try to maneuver the dress around him more but I figured I had been lucky enough to get this shot so I left him to his matrimonial dreams. 

I posted this photo on facebook where someone mentioned it should be framed.  Indeed I agreed and ordered a print for framing.  Bob isn't a George Clooney for sure.  He has short little legs, and a big belly, but he is a character and he photographs well.  Bob reminds me of the guy on Taxi....you know.....Danny De Vito!  Yup that's Bobbers alright. 


Monday, March 10, 2014

Bob's First Spring on Stratton Way........................by Diane Ogden

I opened the porch door this afternoon considering it was 55 degrees of which it has not been since last at least JUNE!!   When those two cats smelled the Spring Sun they hit the deck running. Well I don't have a deck but I wish I did.  Anyway it sounded better than they hit the porch running.
If you will look close, the indoor outdoor carpeting is FULL of the upstairs persons Christmas tree they left on their weenie (teenie) deck for months.  Half of it fell down onto my lovely carpeted porch.  The white dealie is my Victorian Swing sitting upside down waiting to be hung with love!  Instead it got initiated by Bob Benjamin Morrison Ogden who is sat underneath it for over an hour.  Not sure why.  Maybe he felt safe.
 This photo is of Bob trying to get into my bedroom window through the screen.  He could not figure out what I was doing and why he couldn't get to me. 

He was with me last year but he was so sick he didn't go outside until after Springtime.... And then only onto my porch which is enclosed by a baby net.  He and Lucy have not figured out they can jump over it.  And I didn't tell them!

Friday, March 7, 2014

I Think I Ate the Whole Thing!................by Diane Ogden

So here's the deal.  I was abandoned.  Thrown out of a car out on Taylor Lane in Stoughton, Wisconsin near an old farm.  I went to the door but no one answered.  So I went to the barn door, at least I think it was a barn 'cause it was big and I saw some little animals with fur and long tails wandering around.  I knew I had something similar on my body like that so I thought maybe I would fit in.  I was sooo scared and lost.  Where did my little friend go that I used to sleep with.  Where were my food bowls?  I was hungry and it was cold. Where was my soft round bed?   Somethings that were happening to me were really not normal.  Nothing was right or normal.  I went over to one of the long tails but she was mean and hissed at me.  I tried the other one but he was weird and more scared than I was.  I didn't see anything to eat anywhere in sight.  I didn't feel very good. Not good at all.  Day after day I didn't feel good at all.  I was hungry all the time and cold.  I had to fight for any food that was put out by the humans that lived there but I was so weak I couldn't fight anymore.  I just waited and hoped it would all stop being so bad. 
One day a pretty girl came to the farm.  She noticed me and talked to me.  She seemed to understand I was in trouble and hungry and sick.  She took me to a warm place where another human with no tail fed me and took me to another place where more humans fixed my sicknesses.  I ate and I ate and I ate for all the days I couldn't eat.  I never saw my old friend I used to sleep with.  I think maybe they couldn't take care of me so they dumped me out of their car far away from my home so I couldn't find my way back.  But I did find a way back.  And I have been taken care of very well.  I feel good every day except I got fat from being scared of having no food so I ate too much.  Darnit.  Now I cant jump or run as fast as I used to.  But I am safe, and I am well, and I am happy.  I hope you are too.